Our service starts at 11.00 am and lasts around an hour. Tea and coffee are usually available after the service.
Communion is included in the service on the third Sunday of the month.
This service is also available on Zoom.
Comfort Evening Service at 6.30pm.

We meet on Mondays by Zoom at 7.30 pm - 8.30pm
Message minister@earlsfieldbaptist.org for joining details.

A Club for all adults.
This Club meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month.
Doors open at 12.45 pm - the Club is from 1.00 pm until 2.30 pm.
A time to chat and have a cuppa.

Coffee Shop House Group
An informal way to find out about the Christian faith, Tuesdays at 11am.
All welcome.
Meet outside church
Contact Keith 07999027803 if you have any questions.

Whatever you need, from baby naming to wedding or to say a final goodbye to a love one, we are here for you. Please contact us to see how we can help.