Daily Prayer
"Our Loving Heavenly Father
We thank you for all the blessings you have given us in the past week. We thank you for our health, for food and drink, for our homes, for our friends and families – so many things that we have taken for granted for so long but which we are coming to appreciate more and more.
We pray for those who are mourning the loss of loved ones at this time. Please give them comfort.
We pray for those who are undergoing medical tests or who have ongoing medical problems. Relieve their pain and anxiety and grant healing if it be Your Will.
We also remember those for who have reason to celebrate this week – some are celebrating birthdays and some may be celebrating other anniversaries – thank you that we can enjoy times of happiness and celebration.
Lord, many are concerned about the ongoing energy crisis and are worried about paying bills as well as buying food and paying rent or mortgages. We pray for wisdom for those who control energy pricing and thank You for charities and agencies willing to help.
Lord, once again, we ask you to be with those working in the medical profession and for those who work in hospitals and doctors surgeries and medical centres.
And Lord, in the wider world, we ask you to give wisdom to all politicians and people with power and control over the lives of others. We also remember those being persecuted for their faith, those affected by war, famine, terrorist acts and accidents. We thank you for charities who work in these difficult times in difficult circumstances.
Lord hear our prayers.